

H.T.M.L. or Hyper Text Markup Language. a programming language made for the internet. it's very simple to learn; useing the basic tag system.

If you want to learn html then open notepad, then type this:

its very basic code, you can copy and paste this when you make a new file/page. lets add some display code, how about a title and a description. To start, put this into the body tags.

it's very basic code, feel free to go on ej meadia's vidieos or just look up some tutorial's on youtube

if you want yo boost ya code up try this:

Want to know what this means? find out here:

Your final code is:

my html website

hello, welcome to my html website!

this is a pharograph

this is bold text

this is itallic text

this is underlined text



So, java script is in the web trio H.T.M.L. JavaScript and C.S.S. its not like HTML, its formated as this mainCode(boolean); if you want to start then try this:

document.write ("hello, you can change the text here in the quations");

so if you want to try to make some code, you need to know the two types of javascript. in HTML and out-HTML, lets talk about both.

in HTML:

out side HTML:

CSS style: MB.css

a style-sheet for early html coders
