ok so i presume you have done the basic proggram of boot-up-ness
10 print "commodore 64" 20 goto to 10
10 print "{shift+RFDEDF}"; 20 goto 10
ya type that down:
if you know that all ready; VARIABLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, they are super cool! but how do we make them? well lets see what they are:
"x" and "y" are the vairables
x = 0 x = x + 1 x = 2 + 2 x = (2 + 2) - 1 x = y print x
so ya try :
10 x = 0 20 x = x + 1 30 print x 40 goto 10
games: wanna make some games, look under:
10 print "{shift+clear home}"
20 let x = int(rnd(1)*11)
30 print "so guess a number between 1 to 10"
40 input g
50 if g=x then print "yay you got it!": goto 70
60 if g()x then print "sorry you lost =(": goto 70
70 print "want to play again? (y/n)"
80 input a$
90 if a$=y then goto 10
100 end