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Pokemon Cards

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Retro | Decks | Card Analysis

Retro Cards

retro pokemon cards, there very diffeent from the newwer cards, 120 HP and 80 damage is a enoumous amout of damage, lets find the wonders of the retro cards

now retro cards were very diffferent from todays fancy EX GX and V cards, the strongrst cards were all about strategizing, not brute force, with hecktic energy remouvle and haymaker [one of the strongest deck] loads of trainer cards, as much as you want per turn. eveloution decks were very bad (except rain dance) and base set had the holo charizard, even better then any fancy "hyper rares" and "gold cards." overall, base set was more than you might think.



Decks can be vary iconic, rain-dance, stall and the winner, haymaker. Wonder how they work? well i'll explain

So we will cover loads of decks from weird abilitys to buff shuckels (i love shuckels). we know loads of decks rain-dance downpour haymaker lickithung stall nurse stall and Buzzapdos. With decks from proffesinal websites to my other website. i hope you like them.


This website was inspired by the klacz's blog. , introduceing retro pokemon card's to loads of people. As i love retro cards, i made this website. from why Haymaker was good to how amazing sneasel was. loads of cards are great, and can be better than you may think: Take slowking as an example, yeah, your opponent has to flip a coin to use a trainer, but this can stack so your opponent has to flip 4 coins to use a trainer.


I (kzooy) im a developer that started with Scratch and i learned H.T.M.L. with my website Moon Banana's i leaned J.S. But this website is about Pokemon, So how did i get into that, well i got a lets play eevee starter deck and then i got a Unseen Depths starter deck, i got around this time i found Jklaz's Blog i loved retro card's, as i loved retro gaming. I loved retro pokemon card's. If you have a love for websites and a love for retro pokemon. well, your on this website.